what is the solar system

There are 8 planets in the solar system revolving around the Sun. The combined combination of planets, satellites, asteroids, comets, meteors and tail stars is called the Solar System.

Who is called the head of the solar system?

Sun is called the head of the solar system

Which heavy elements are found in the sun?

71% hydrogen in the sun, 26. Heavy elements are found in 5% helium and 2.5% lithium and uranium etc.

By which process is the immense heat and heat generated in the Sun?

Immense heat and heat in the Sun is generated by the process of nuclear fusion.

What is the period of revolution of the Sun called?

The period of revolution of the Sun is called cosmic year, which is 250 million years.

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Which planet has been considered out of the solar system in the 2006 astronomical convention?

In the 2006 astronomical convention, the planet Plato has been considered out of the solar system.

Which is the largest planet in the solar system?

Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system

Which planet revolves around the Sun in east to west direction?

Planets revolving around the Sun from east to west - Venus and Uranus