environmental pollution

Environmental pollution means that there is a decrease in the quality of the environment at the local level by the actions of man, due to which an imbalance has arisen in the environment. As a result, pollution has arisen in air, noise, water and land.

What is a polluter? their types

The substances that cause pollution are called pollutants, which are of two types - 1- degradable by micro-organisms, 2- non-degradable by micro-organisms

What are the types of environmental pollution?

Environmental pollution is of the following types- 1- air pollution, 2- water pollution 3- noise pollution 4- soil pollution 5- bio pollution 6- solid waste pollution 7- radioactive and electromagnetic radiation

Who are the elements that cause air pollution in the atmosphere.

The following are the elements that cause air pollution in the atmosphere. 1-carbon monoxide 2- Oxides of Nitrogen 3- Oxides of Sulfur 4chlorofluorocarbons 5- Carbon dioxide 6- Methane 7- lead 8- benzene 9-  cadmium

What is called Damghotu gas

Carbon monoxide (CO) is called suffocating gas