जब पृथ्वी के भूगर्भित घटनाओ केपश्चात वे पदार्थों का सम्मिशण जो भू पर्त -पपड़ी पर पाये जाते है ,उसे Rocks कहते है
Igneous rocks
When the hot and liquid magma and lava released from the volcano cool down, it is called Igneous Rocks.
Intrusive rocks
Due to the high temperature inside the ground, it remains in a hard to hard melt state. So something melts on the earth and comes. And it becomes solid inside some, it is called penetrating rock.
Sedimentary rocks
The formation of rocks is done by the stones and powder brought by the rivers and strong winds. remains andIt is caused by the aggregation of plants.
Metamorphic rocks
Metamorphic rock is formed by extreme heat, pressure, heat
Earth's crustHow many major elements are found in the structure?
Made up of 8 major elements. In oxygen is made up of silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, an.d magnesium