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Which is the longest river of India?

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Who is the longest river of India - Ganga river Place of Origin - Gangotri Glacier Meeting point - in the Bay of Bengal

longest river of south india

The longest river of South India- Godavari Place of Origin - From Rajahmundry, Nashik, Maharashtra Meeting point - in the Bay of Bengal

Rivers falling into the Bay of Bengal

Major rivers of India flowing into the Bay of Bengal 1- River Ganges- 2- Brahmaputra river 3- Krishna River 4-Kaveri River 5- Godavari River 6- Mahanadi

Rivers falling into the Arabian Sea

Major rivers of India falling into the Arabian Sea 1- Narmada River 2- Tapti River 3- Mahi River 4- Brahmani and Subarna Rekha rivers 5- Styx River

Major rivers of India originating from Mansarovar

Major rivers of India originating from Mansarovar- 1- Sutlej River 2- Indus River 3- Brahmaputra river

Rivers falling into the Bay of Bengal

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