what is industry

A large amount of goods are manufactured / produced by collecting raw materials at a particular place and where more services are done by humans and machines, it is called industry. Man gets good things from industry. Due to which life starts passing smoothly. People get employment through industries.

Classification of Industries of the World

The following is the classification of the industry of the world. 1- Classification on the basis of capital investment and production 2- Classification on the basis of raw material 3- Classification on the basis of labor 4- Classification on the basis of

Classification of industry on the basis of capital investment and output

Title 2

Classification of industry on the basis of capital investment and production - (a) large scale industry (b) Small scale industry (c) crooked industry-

Title 2

Classification of industries on the basis of raw materials

Title 2

Classification of Industries on the Basis of Raw Materials 1- Heavy industry 2- Light industries 3- Industries based on agriculture 4- Industries based on minerals 5- Forest based industries 6- Industries based on pastures

Title 2

Classification of Industries on the Basis of Raw Materials 1- Heavy industry 2- Light industries 3- Industries based on agriculture 4- Industries based on minerals 5- Forest based industries 6- Industries based on pastures