Who are the unnatural resources in the internal structure of the earth? 📷

Earth's internal structure has unnatural means - density, pressure, temperature

What is the average density of Earth?

Earth's average density is 5.5 grams per centimeter

How many earthquakes are generated in the internal structure of the Earth?

Earthquake waves arise in the internal structure of the earth - primary waves, secondary waves and surface waves.

In which type of rocks do longitudinal waves move more?

Longitudinal waves move more in hard rocks

According to Edward Swaes, the internal structure of the earth is divided into how many parts.

According to Edward Swaes, the internal structure of the Earth is divided into three parts - Sial, Sima, Nife.

From which layer did the oceans form?

The oceans were formed from the boundary layer

According to the innovative opinion, the internal structure of the earth is divided into how many large circles.

According to the innovative theory, the internal structure of the earth is divided into three large circles - Earth's crust, mantle, core.