Geographical regions of India

On the basis of land forms and relief, the geographical region of India is divided into 1- Northern mountainous region 2-Great plain of the north 3-Peninsular plateau of the south 4- Sea Coastal Area 5- Islands of India 6- Desert area

Northern mountainous regions of the geographical region of India

Northern mountainous regions of the geographical region of India 1- Himalaya Mountains (A) Great Himalaya or Himadri Himalaya (B) Middle or Lesser Himalayas (C) Outer Himalayas or Shivalik Himalayas

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Everest the highest peak in the world

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Great Himalayas or Himadri Himalayas - This is the northernmost and longest range of the Himalayas, here most of the mountains are covered with snow, hence it is called the Himadri Himalayas. The world's highest peak Everest (8848 km 0) is in this region. Other mountains include Gadwin Austin (8611 m), Dhaulagiri (8274 m), Kanchan Jagan (8598 m) etc.

Himalayan Cross Mountains

Himalaya Par Parvat -- Which has three categories. 1- Karakoram mountain range 2- Ladakh mountain range 3- Zaskar mountain range

Ladakh mountain range