What is atmosphere

The cover around the earth is called the atmosphere

What is the composition of the atmosphere?

The atmosphere is a mechanical mixture of many gases. In these, the composition is the contribution of many gases. Apart from this, it is composed of gases, water vapor and dust particles.

The atmosphere is a mechanical mixture of many gases. In these, the composition is the contribution of many gases. Apart from this, it is composed of gases, water vapor and dust particles.

Which heavy gas is found in the composition of the sky?

Heavy gas is found in the composition of the sky 1-nitrogen -  78. 03 2-oxygen -  20.99 3- Argon 0.9323 4- Carbon dioxide 0.03 5- Hydrogen 0.01

How much is the volume of air in the hot-humid tropics?

The volume of air in the warm-humidt ropics is  -4%

Which is the lowest layer of the atmosphere?

The lowest layer of the atmosphere is - Troposphere

What is the top layer of the atmosphere called?

What is the top layer of the atmosphere called - the outer atmosphere

In which region do electric and magnetic phenomena occur?

Electric and magnetic phenomena keep happening - Ionosphere

In which zone do all the seasonal changes take place

All seasonal changes happen - Troposphere